About Me
My name is Chelsey Jones and I am a Certified ISR Instructor. My decision to become an ISR instructor goes back to having my first born go through the ISR program after I was introduced to it by a friend who tragically lost her son to a drowning accident. I knew immediately ISR was a program that I wanted my own children to participate in. Now, after all three of my daughters have gone through the ISR lessons, I am excited to help children of other families learn these awesome, essential life-saving skills.
Prior to ISR training, I have been in and around water for as long as I can remember. Summers were spent floating the canal in the small town where I grew up, and evenings and weekends were spent taking the boat out on the lake. I loved the water so much that my summer job during high school was teaching youth swim lessons at the city pool.
I can’t wait to get to help the families of the Uintah Basin learn these invaluable ISR skills, keep their families safe and fulfill the ISR mission of ‘Not One More Child Drowns’.
About ISR Instructors
Each ISR Instructor is highly trained and certified in the Infant Swimming Resource program. In addition, every ISR Instructor must complete a rigorous re-certification program annually to maintain his or her Instructor certification.
The ISR Instructor training program also includes a challenging education component that focuses on subjects such as child psychology, physiology, and behavioral science.
Once an Instructor is certified, they are required to complete annual reviews and re-certification to ensure that their skills and techniques continue to meet ISR’s high safety standards.
Each ISR Instructor is carefully screened through extensive interviews before qualifying to earn certification.
Each ISR Student Instructor studies with a Certified Master Instructor, who develops a unique training program that targets each Student Instructor’s learning and teaching styles.